299 Chris Fitting - The Spirit Illustrator

WE DON'T DIE® Radio with host Sandra Champlain - A podcast by Sandra Champlain

Spirit Portrait Artist, Evidential Medium, Energy Management Specialist, Teacher, Speaker, Writer are all part of Chris Fitting. Chris is very creative and inspiring, as you'll soon hear on this episode, and one of the rare people on planet earth that not only works collaboratively with Spirit to bring forth Afterlife Evidence through Mediumship Readings, but he does Spirit Portraits and Co-Created Healing Artwork & Photography. I feel very lucky that Chris will be demonstrating his amazing spirit art and mediumship as one of the presenters at the We Don’t Die Orlando event March 29-31, 2019 and we welcome you to join us!! That website is http://wedontdieorlando.com to find out more. Chris Fitting is called the Spirit Illustrator so you can easily remember his website: http://www.spiritillustrator.com/ Enjoy the show! NEWS! WE DON'T DIE ORLANDO:  Join us March 29-31 in Orlando at the Holiday Inn Lake Buena Visita for  http://wedontdieorlando.com Discover The world's top afterlife information, speakers, medium demonstrations and much more! Join the supportive and loving, We Don't Die Listeners Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/wedontdielisteners/ *Enjoying We Don't Die Radio episodes? Would you like to be a Patron of the show? Consider donating $1 or more per episode to help operating costs of the show (I keep the show commercial-free on purpose) please visit: https://www.patreon.com/wedontdieradio or simply give at https://www.paypal.me/SandraChamplain  Thank you for listening!