We Need To Talk About Whiteness - with Rupa Marya and Raj Patel

We need to talk about whiteness podcast - A podcast by Dr Myriam Francois


Ep 39: Whiteness and healthcare – What is the colonial legacy in healthcare? How does modern medicine replicate historically forged patterns of domination? And why are we all so “inflamed”? Rupa Marya is an Associate Professor of Medicine at UCSF and faculty director of the Do No Harm Coalition, an organization of over 450 health workers committed to structural change to address health problems. Welcome Dr Marya! And Raj Patel is a New York Times bestselling author, film-maker and academic. He is a Research Professor in the Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas, Austin. Together, one a doctor, the other an economist, they explore the link between health and structural inequality. And crucially, what we can all do about it.