#23 - 25 Years As A Luthier - Reflections - The Meaning of Life?

Weekly Wednesday Q&A with Juha Ruokangas - A podcast by Juha Ruokangas - Tuesdays


What a cryptic title for today’s talk, right? Many of you have noticed that we’re celebrating my company’s 25th anniversary, and, being in the middle of the preparations for our online Celebration event that I’m sure some of you have noticed already on Facebook, I was thinking - how could I share with you in a meaningful way - some reflections from my past - but not focusing to the moments of success, but rather the more essential part of life. What has sculpted me the person I am today? Which factors contribute in me "finding myself"? And - could my story perhaps help you on your journey to find your calling - your own voice? After all - the fundamentals for us, human beings - they're often the same, regardless the walk of life we’re on. A little disclaimer. This broadcast is targeted to all of you who enjoy guitars, be it guitarists, guitar enthusiasts or collectors alike! The program is not about the guitars we make in my company Ruokangas Guitars. I'm doing this for you, who are interested in learning more about your instrument. The brand or monetary value of your guitar makes no difference whatsoever.This podcast was originally published as a live stream on YouTube,  and the imagery of the original video is obviously missing from this audio-only version. Tune in on YouTube and search Weekly Wednesday Live Q&A with Juha, and you'll find the originals! Talk to you soon,Juha