Expedition Medic Ben Cooper: "A £1 bandage could have saved his finger and $70,000" - Field Strategies for Treating Injuries

World Extreme Medicine Podcast - A podcast by World Extreme Medicine - Tuesdays


In this episode, expedition medic Ben Cooper shares cautionary tales revealing why you should never skip basic wound care in the wilderness. You’ll hear the story of how a minor cut led to a man’s frostbitten thumb being partially amputated during an Antarctica summit attempt - costing him $70K! It powerfully spotlights why immediate bandaging matters. Discover essential strategies for backcountry wound management: Address patients’ full situation first before treating ("bodies before bandages”) Use Sharpies to monitor infections and antibiotic need Take daily wound photos to track healing progress Follow the “4 Ls” to assemble medical kits (Legal, Lightweight, Low-cost, Lots of uses) With insights for improvising care from sandwich bags to dental floss, plus tips on blister prevention, sun protection, and judging evacuation timing, it’s an eye-opening lesson in avoiding nasty medical complications off the grid. Tune in to hear cautionary tales and essential wound wisdom you’ll want etched on your brain before venturing into the wild!