Ep 126: Questioning God, Finding Peace In Uncertainty and Pursuing Your Dreams with Lisa Whittle

We're Going There with Bianca Olthoff - A podcast by That Sounds Fun Network

Have you found yourself asking God why certain things have happened? Are you walking through an unexpected situation? Do you wonder if you'll ever pursue your God-given dreams? Sometimes life throws us curve balls and we can end up in moments we don't foresee. It can be confusing but God can handle our frustration and difficult questions. In this podcast, Lisa Whittle joins me to talk about: Moments of questioning God's plan Dealing with unexpected problems Resting in God's peace during moments of uncertainty Not being limited by ourselves and other people's opinions Lisa is a writer, speaker and Bible teacher who has been in ministry for nearly 20 years. She's experienced a lot in life, in church and in relationships. Throughout this podcast, Lisa tells me about how she's dealt with failure and overcome disappointment, and how she invited God into all of those moments. She talks about finding peace in the midst of uncertainty and the beauty that can be found in waiting seasons. Lisa also reminds us about the importance of pursuing our God-given dreams and not worrying about other people's opinions. As you listen, I hope you feel empowered and you're reminded that if God is for you, no one can be against you. Be sure to tag us @biancaolthoff and @lisawhittle, we'd love to learn more about how this episode spoke to you! Love you,B RESOURCES/LINKS GUEST Lisa Whittle Book: God Knows: When Your Worries and Whys Need More Than Temporary Relief  ⋇ Grit Don’t Quit Book Club ⋇ Order Bianca’s new book GRIT DON’T QUIT ⋇ WGT email: [email protected] ⋇ Subscribe to We’re Going There on your favorite podcast app so you don’t miss out on any of the great topics and conversations. Don’t forget to leave a loving review! Apple Spotify Google ⋇ Visit biancaolthoff.com/resources to learn more about books and other resources from Bianca. ⋇ Want to stay connected, join the community today. ⋇ Music by: Brad Tsushima, Instagram: @bradtsushima, email: [email protected], Spotify: “R.A.D.”