What's Up With Russ? | We're Just People #020 with Britt Billins

We're Just People - A podcast by Grant Pankratz


What's that...? Can you hear it...? A stallion nears bearing a timely message. A message you've been waiting ever so patiently for. Fear no longer. He approaches and whispers softly in your ear "The Hotline Champ is coming...". Today Brett Billions makes his second appearance, and we hold no bars. This episode is off the chains with yeet's far and wide. Grant and Britt take another trip down Green Van Lane, we abduct a new Mom in to the Mom Hall of Fame, announce the We're Just People Worldwide Talent Show, take hotline calls, give you updates on merch and other forgotten promises, Big News Small Towns, and of course some inspiration wrappers. Sound like too much for one episode? Nah, we made it happen, just for you People. Join Us, and BE ENCOURAGED.  CONTACT US: Voicemail/Text: 405-265-6706 Video Hotline: https://bit.ly/2lI1wvf Email us: [email protected] Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/werejustpeople Please understand that by submitting anything you are allowing potential use on the podcast. FOLLOW US: Instagram: instagram.com/werejustpeoplepodcast/ Twitter: twitter.com/Werejustpeople1 Facebook: facebook.com/pg/werejustpeoplepodcast Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/werejustpeople)