Flat Hierarchies: The pros and cons of a high trust Danish workplace

What The Denmark | Danish Culture for Expats, Internationals and Danes - A podcast by Cofruition

Denmark and other Nordic countries are celebrated for their flat organisations and inclusive work practices, and for a good reason.  But what are the downsides of this approach? Why do some people coming in from a more hierarchical culture find it demotivating to work this way? In this episode Sam and Josefine speak with management expert Chris Shern, international CEO Nico Blier-Silvestri and Danish architect Josefine Bols. The episode covers various topics including: A Foundation of TrustFlat power distribution in practiceStory time: dirty dishesPractical advice for managers and employees Read more at: https://www.whatthedenmark.com/blog-post/flat-hierarchies