Newcomers’ Survival Guide: everything you need to know ahead of visiting Denmark for the first time

What The Denmark | Danish Culture for Expats, Internationals and Danes - A podcast by Cofruition

In this last episode of the current season we give you everything you need to know ahead of coming to Denmark for the first time.

Sam and Josefine are joined in the studio with two excellent guests sharing their insights and tips on how to orient your first days and weeks in the land of Denmark..!

Kay Xander Mellish the author of the new book "How to Work in Denmark: Tips for finding a job, succeeding at work, and understanding your Danish boss". She is the voice behind the long-running "How to Live in Denmark" podcast and blog. 

Joseph Yamoah is a project consultant at Maersk (a Danish multinational) and moved to Denmark full-time from Ghana after studying at the University of Copenhagen.

The four discuss all sorts of interesting things to help you on the practical elements of being in Denmark: navigate from the airport, avoid getting run over by a bike and even building friendships with local Danes.

In the episode we discussed various apps/ services that are useful to know about

We also featured a question from Derek who runs the Robe Trotting Youtube channel (all about things that are confusing about Denmark) and spoke about Joseph’s Copenhagen University article: 

If you enjoyed this episode/ season, please do consider giving us a rating/ review on your podcast app, it really helps in having new people discover the show + you can let us know if there are any topics you’d like us to do in the future!


This episode is sponsored by Talent to Denmark's "State of Denmark" campaign.

Denmark is actively looking to attract international talent to move to the country. If you're interested to learn more about jobs in (one of) the happiest countries in the world, head to


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