Season One in review

What The Denmark | Danish Culture for Expats, Internationals and Danes - A podcast by Cofruition

Sam, Josefine and Andreas (our "audio guy") have a conversation about the things we've learnt from the first season of What The Denmark.

We cover:

  • Feedback from listeners
  • Favourite things we've learned from the episodes so far
  • New perspectives on the topics (e.g. does the Danish army have a "flat hierarchy"?)
  • Behind the scenes and some of the statistics
  • New episode ideas that will be coming up soon

It's a fun, free ranging conversation that covers all sorts of interesting things from What The Denmark so far.

We hope you enjoy!

Season Two

We'll begin work on future episodes of What The Denmark once we have secured sponsorship.

If you know of any organisations interested in teaching the world about Danish culture, or helping attract/ retain international talent in Denmark then be in touch via [email protected]

What to do while you wait?

If you haven't already, do listen to the episodes that have been released so far to get an understanding of how Danish culture works, and tell friends who might be interested to hear.

In preparation for Season Two you can also

  1. Subscribe to the show: this way you'll get notified in your podcast app when new episodes come out
  2. Sign up to our newsletter: which is where we share additional insights and job opportunities

Until then, a big thank you to everyone who has contributed to the show and been in touch!

We really appreciate all the messages and ideas and hope to be back soon making more episodes.

As always, you can read more about the show on