What The Denmark returns soon! And we need your help...

What The Denmark | Danish Culture for Expats, Internationals and Danes - A podcast by Cofruition


Hope you've had a lovely summer.

The What The Denmark team have been busy getting ready for a new season of the podcast... and we'd love your input for a couple of episodes!

Dating Danes

One episode has the working title How to date a Dane.

Have you had experience dating Danish people? Is it different to dating people from different countries? Any funny/ amusing anecdotes?

(Sam will be sharing some from when he was dating his Danish wife...)

Newcomers Survival Guide

The other episode is about helpful advice to help people navigate their first days/ weeks in Denmark.

Have you had any "aha moments" whilst being in Denmark? Or things you wish you knew earlier? Maybe there are things you always end up telling friends/ family who visit that they need to remember to do?

If so, we'd love to hear what they are and then talk about them (with you?) on the show!

Please fill out the form on the WTD contact page: https://www.whatthedenmark.com/contact

The plan is to be recording episodes in the next couple of months and so the sooner the better 🙂

We look forward to sharing a new set of episodes with you soon! In the meantime you can follow us on Instagram at @whatthedenmark