"Why do Danish people wave when they ride a bike?"

What The Denmark | Danish Culture for Expats, Internationals and Danes - A podcast by Cofruition

Esther is originally from The Netherlands, and moved to Denmark in 2019. This is the first of a new type of episode on What The Denmark where we speak with people are learning about Danish culture after moving to Denmark. These interviews, we feel, are a great way to learn practical advice from others adapting to Denmark, but also to get fresh perspectives on things that seem peculiar to outsiders. Esther and Sam talk about a variety of different topics, including: Similarities between The Netherlands and Denmark (size; old monarchy)Differences (approach to biking; the fact there is LESS rain in Denmark)Advice for people new to Denmark as well as a chat about liquorice. Learn more at: https://www.whatthedenmark.com/ Do you have some interesting advice to share? Subscribe to the What The Denmark newsletter (via the website) where you'll receive details of how to be interviewed on the show.