5 Things ALL Happy Couples Do Before Falling In Love (#4 Is A Touchy Subject)

What Would Love Do? - A podcast by Jonathon Aslay


5 Things ALL Happy Couples Do Before Falling In Love (#4 Is A Touchy Subject) Hollywood has really fooled us into thinking that falling in love happens quickly, almost like a spell is placed on us and we fall for that perfect person and we live happily ever after. Even though we all know it doesn’t happen like that, we still hold out hope that our dream person will come along and our lives will be better. What doesn’t get shown in those movies are the deep conversations that are necessary to have in order to know someone on a deep level. The surface qualities of a guy is what will attract him to you; the deeper qualities and values of this person is what will make you fall in love. Let’s discuss the DEEPER signs that indicate if you’re headed toward love or breakup. Let’s talk about…5 Things ALL Happy Couples Do Before Falling In Love (#4 Is A Touchy Subject) Resources: FREE Discovery Call ► http://jonathonaslay.com/coaching Join My VIP Group for $7– http://jonathonaslay.com/midlifelove Self-Love the Book: http://selflovethebook.com Recommended Books: http://jonathonaslay.com/jonathon-recommends