6 Signs He Only Wants To Sleep With You
What Would Love Do? - A podcast by Jonathon Aslay

6 Signs He Only Wants To Sleep With You Have you noticed that the idea of BOUNDARIES has gotten lost over the last two decades? Back in the 80s when I was dating as an adult, it was still fairly easy to have a one-night stand with someone, especially if there was alcohol involved. After my divorce I didn’t need alc0hol to coax a woman into bed; it was more acceptable for men and women to have casual flings. Now with the internet and the influx of dating apps, boundaries are even lower because all you need to do is swipe in order to meet someone. But if your boundaries are lower, so are your expectations usually. Maybe you’re feeling like one-night stands or ‘friends with benefits’ are all you deserve. I would argue that every person deserves to feel loved, wanted, and respected in a relationship but when you’re in the trenches and have been hurt in the past, it’s difficult to believe that or to hold your expectations high. Let’s explore the DEEPER ways to read between the lines about his intentions, especially if he’s not as willing to share his feelings as you are. Let’s talk about…6 Signs He Only Wants To Sleep With You Resources: FREE Discovery Call ► http://jonathonaslay.com/coaching Join My VIP Group for $7– http://jonathonaslay.com/midlifelove Self-Love the Book: http://selflovethebook.com Recommended Books: http://jonathonaslay.com/jonathon-recommends