A Man’s Capacity To Commit is Based on THESE 5 Factors
What Would Love Do? - A podcast by Jonathon Aslay

A Man’s Capacity To Commit is Based on THESE 5 Factors If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you know that I teach about the criteria to creating a successful, happy relationship: blendable lifestyles, emotional maturity, and shared values. Couples who are committed to each other will put effort into making each of these things work but it takes time to have those radically honest conversations and go through the process. One thing to keep in mind is if someone says they don’t want a serious relationship, it’s up to YOU to decide if you want to proceed. Marie and I share a story of friends who are still together after 6 years after HE said he didn’t want a commitment. It’s inspiring that he came around to realizing what he had in front of him. Let’s have a DEEPER conversation about how to set yourself up for success with a strong relationship that can last for years. Let’s talk about… How A Man Knows When He’s Found The One Resources: FREE Discovery Call ► http://jonathonaslay.com/coaching Join My VIP Group for $7– http://jonathonaslay.com/midlifelove Self-Love the Book: http://selflovethebook.com Recommended Books: http://jonathonaslay.com/jonathon-recommends