How To Get The Guy / A New Strategy for Dating Men Over 40
What Would Love Do? - A podcast by Jonathon Aslay

A New Strategy for Dating Men Over 40 Dating is challenging no matter what your age but midlife dating means we have to sort out all the stories that we’ve been telling ourselves over the years (many of which are untrue). And some people don’t believe in personal development, so their stories are sometimes harder to break through. If you’re open to seeing dating through a different perspective, I’ll share with you what a “beginner’s mind” means and how it can help strip away the baggage, stereotypes, and emotional pain you might have associated with dating. Let’s explore the DEEPER ways we can enter the dating process with a beginner’s mind and shed the baggage and stereotypes associated with dating in general. Let’s talk about…How To Get The Guy…A New Strategy for Dating Men Over 40 Resources: FREE Discovery Call ► Join My VIP Group for $7– Self-Love the Book: Recommended Books: