How to Make Him THINK About You All The TIME!
What Would Love Do? - A podcast by Jonathon Aslay

How to Make Him THINK About You All The TIME! Did you know that men and women view relationships radically differently? Women tend to rely on relationships as their security in life while men often view relationships as something that will tie them down or limit their activities. I find that many women are attracted to the ‘love bombing’ that occurs early on because they so desperately want stability and love when in reality, their guy might not be capable of giving that to them. When a couple is attracted to each other via infatuation, they’re not really building a solid foundation of trust because they’re all about the chemistry. Awesome chemistry is not capable of sustaining a long term relationship without trust, and you can’t create a trust-filled relationship without intimacy. Yet so many men especially are afraid of intimacy and vulnerability, mostly because of childhood lessons learned long ago that men don’t cry or talk about their feelings. That’s for girls… Let’s explore the DEEPER ways men can become comfortable with intimacy so they can help build a solid relationship where all they want to do is think about you all the time. Let’s talk about…How to Make Him THINK About You All The TIME! Resources: FREE Discovery Call ► Join My VIP Group for $7– Self-Love the Book: Recommended Books: