Is He Afraid Of Love? Do THIS To Build Intimacy With A Man

What Would Love Do? - A podcast by Jonathon Aslay


Is He Afraid Of Love? Do THIS To Build Intimacy With A Man Parenting is a difficult and confusing job. Most parents do the best they can given the tools and knowledge available at the time; yet so many adults can trace dysfunctional lessons back to their childhoods. In fact, our personalities and limiting beliefs are ingrained by the time we’re 8-9 years old based on the lessons learned from the adults in our lives. But this isn’t about parent shaming or blaming others for lack of intimacy. Understanding our childhood lessons can help highlight where we need to work on ourselves so that we can welcome a partner into our lives and be willing to share the best of us. Let’s have a DEEPER conversation about creating intimacy with a partner and how to change debilitating childhood lessons. Let’s talk about…Is He Afraid Of Love? Do THIS To Build Intimacy With A Man Resources: FREE Discovery Call ► Join My VIP Group for $7– Self-Love the Book: Recommended Books: