Men are Very Attracted to Women Who Don’t Try
What Would Love Do? - A podcast by Jonathon Aslay

Men are Very Attracted to Women Who Don’t Try I’d like you to think about this title and idea in two different ways. First, think about a woman who doesn’t go overboard with trying to impress a man. She’s confident in who she is and doesn’t feel the need to play games or ‘hard to get’. She’s putting forth effort in her appearance and in meeting up with guys but she’s doing so in an authentic way, seemingly with little effort. THIS is attractive! Now, think of a different woman who gives all her power away to the man in her life. She’s comfortable with not making decisions about where to go for dinner. She relies on the man 100% to guide the relationship, from where to eat to how many times a week they have sex. This is NOT attractive. Let’s have a DEEPER conversation about why women give away their power instead of feeling comfortable in their skin and confident in their life choices. A relationship is meant to be a partnership, not a ship with only one captain. Let’s talk about…Men are Very Attracted to Women Who Don’t Try Resources: FREE Discovery Call ► Join My VIP Group for $7– Self-Love the Book: Recommended Books: