Men Must Do THIS To Commit To You Fully
What Would Love Do? - A podcast by Jonathon Aslay

Men Must Do THIS To Commit To You Fully We’re diving deep into what intimacy means and why it’s the cause of so many breakups. Normally we think of physical intimacy as being sex and a non-existent sex life can certainly cause a break up. But there are different levels of intimacy that we’re discussing today. Being the provider – as so many men were taught in their youth – is not as important in the midlife years. Most single midlife women have their own careers and have their own financial plans in order. So, men need to do more than provide a paycheck to show their partner that they are committed to their future. Let’s have a DEEPER conversation about why most relationships end and how to create more intimacy in your relationship (and I don’t just mean sex). Let’s talk about… Men Must Do THIS To Commit To You Fully Resources: FREE Discovery Call ► Join My VIP Group for $7– Self-Love the Book: Recommended Books: