Men (over 40) Show They CARE About You When They DO THIS!
What Would Love Do? - A podcast by Jonathon Aslay

Men (over 40) Show They CARE About You When They DO THIS! Our dating world is a mess because people looking for partners often focus on the wrong things. Some women are lonely and think that getting a guy into bed is a win and that they can develop a relationship based on their chemistry. But chemistry is superficial. Midlife also brings about lots of emotions – aka the ‘midlife crisis’ – and if both people are struggling with these emotions, they are more focused on themselves and might not have the capacity to welcome someone else into their life at that moment. Let’s have a DEEPER conversation about The 5 Love Languages and how to know your guy cares about more than just sex. Let’s talk about…Men (over 40) Show They CARE About You When They DO THIS! Resources: FREE Discovery Call ► Join My VIP Group for $7– Self-Love the Book: Recommended Books: