Men Respect Women When THIS Happens

What Would Love Do? - A podcast by Jonathon Aslay


Men Respect Women When THIS Happens  Many women (not all) have fallen into the common pattern of blaming men for whatever is not going right in their lives. Everything from ‘there are no good men to date’ to ‘my boss has it out for me’. While it may feel good to have a scapegoat to blame things on, we need to dig deeper into ourselves to discover the true root causes of our unhappiness. WE are responsible for our own happiness, not our children, spouses, partners or friends. Yes, it’s wonderful to have these people in our lives but ultimately WE are in charge of what happens in our lives. If we don’t like a situation or circumstance, it’s up to US to take action to make a change. When you discover the power you have over designing your life, then you can build a healthy relationship with a man because you have respect for him instead of placing blame on his shoulders. Let’s explore the DEEPER ways we can all design the life of our dreams and how to gain respect from our partners instead of getting stuck in a blame game. Let’s talk about…Men Respect Women When THIS Happens Resources: FREE Discovery Call ► Join My VIP Group for $7– Self-Love the Book: Recommended Books: