This Makes Him SEE You As The Most Important Woman in The Universe!
What Would Love Do? - A podcast by Jonathon Aslay

This Makes Him SEE You As The Most Important Woman in The Universe! Societal norms say that men want to be respected and women want to be cherished. In the end, don’t men and women BOTH want to be respected and cherished? What greater gift is there to know that your partner is eager to see you after a long day of work? And that your partner sees your relationship as a partnership rather than the old fashioned norms of men doing the hunting and gathering while the women clean and care for the children. Reaching this level in your relationship takes some time but it’s certainly possible. It may also involve doing some personal development, either together or on your own. Knowing each other’s love language is wonderful but so is being responsible for your own actions and behavior that may trigger arguments. When both people in the relationship are committed to being their best selves, they thrive together and truly enjoy each other’s company. Let’s explore the DEEPER ways to build a strong foundation for your relationship where respect for each other is the cornerstone. Let’s talk about…This Makes Him SEE You As The Most Important Woman in The Universe Resources: FREE Discovery Call ► Join My VIP Group for $7– Self-Love the Book: Recommended Books: