Top 3 “Reasons” Men Give for Breaking Up

What Would Love Do? - A podcast by Jonathon Aslay


Top 3 “Reasons” Men Give for Breaking Up (#3 Stings The Most) If you’ve been through a break up, you can probably guess what these 3 reasons are before we even start. But it’s not enough to just hear the phrases men use to break up…we need to dive much deeper into the feelings and deflections involved. Otherwise you’ll be left wondering if he was feeding you a line of BS or if there is something wrong with you (there’s not, trust me). Acknowledging the deeper feelings involved in a break up also helps you understand his perspective. While you may not agree with his reasoning, he is allowed to have these feelings, just as you are allowed to not agree. This is where things can get sticky if you believe someone has to be “right” and the other person is “wrong” in a break up. You each will have different perspectives of how the relationship was and why it should or should not end. No matter how you feel, you’re allowed to feel that way. Let’s discuss the DEEPER feelings involved in breaking up and how to accept this unpleasant outcome. Let’s talk about…Top 3 “Reasons” Men Give for Breaking Up (#3 Stings The Most) Resources: FREE Discovery Call ► Join My VIP Group for $7– Self-Love the Book: Recommended Books: