Why He’ll Choose You Over Another Woman | He Needs To Do THIS!
What Would Love Do? - A podcast by Jonathon Aslay

Why He’ll Choose You Over Another Woman By the time we reach the midlife era, most adults have had 3-5 significant relationships lasting longer than 3 months. Even if those relationships didn’t end in the best manner, each relationship is a lesson for how we can grow as a person. And whether you want to believe it or not, every human is capable of personal growth and depending upon your relationship experiences, you most likely need to heal from the deep emotions and possible trauma you experienced. Let’s have a DEEPER conversation about doing the personal healing work that will attract your ideal man to you. Let’s talk about…Why He’ll Choose You Over Another Woman | He Needs To Do THIS! FREE Discovery Call ► http://jonathonaslay.com/coaching Join My VIP Group for $7– http://jonathonaslay.com/midlifelove Self-Love the Book: http://selflovethebook.com Recommended Books: http://jonathonaslay.com/jonathon-recommends