077 Abortion ESG

Where Ideas Launch - Sustainable Innovation Podcast - A podcast by Katherine Ann Byam

Abortion ESG is a term I've coined to describe the implications of abortion on the environment, the societies that form us, and the governance tha's meant to protects us. A friend introduced me to the term Cognitive Polyphasia where different knowledge and rationales live side by side in one person. And this is definitely something we are all experiencing when attempting to tackle complex issues in order to make deliberate choices. If we consider that all lives matter, the dissonance becomes even louder. Because we take so much life in the broad sense of bandwidth, in order that we may preserve our own. This is precisely the decision many women make of the people I know personally around the world who have gone through the ordeal of terminating a pregnancy. I don't recall meeting a single one who is proud of it, talks openly about it, or does not sometimes wonder what could have been.