104 This will make you do stupid things

Whole Life Healing - A podcast by Dr. Alexander Loyd

This week Dr. Alex talks about a Secret Spiritual Law of Nature which will make you do stupid things.   Dr. Alex began to develop Secret Spiritual Laws of Nature when he first started his private practice in counseling and therapy. In a very short period of time he had a six-month waiting list, and he give the great majority of the credit for that to these Secret Spiritual Laws of Nature. They can create an instant “aha” that changes a person’s perspective and attitude, and because of that, a lot of other things that people are working on will also change.  If you want to participate on a weekly call with Dr. Alex go to https://www.dralexanderloyd.com You can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Podbean, Google play, Spotify and many other Podcast platforms.