105 You got to die of something

Whole Life Healing - A podcast by Dr. Alexander Loyd

This week Dr. Alex talks about a new Secret Spiritual Law of Nature: You got to die of something.   Dr. Alex began to develop Secret Spiritual Laws of Nature when he first started his private practice in counseling and therapy. In a very short period of time he had a six-month waiting list, and he give the great majority of the credit for that to these Secret Spiritual Laws of Nature. They can create an instant “aha” that changes a person’s perspective and attitude, and because of that, a lot of other things that people are working on will also change.  If you want to participate on a weekly call with Dr. Alex go to https://www.dralexanderloyd.com You can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Podbean, Google play, Spotify and many other Podcast platforms.