16 Foundational Series: The 3 essentials
Whole Life Healing - A podcast by Dr. Alexander Loyd
This episode of Cutting Edge is part of a foundational series that we will be featuring. Please forgive the inferior sound quality, as this was a recorded conference call. Dr. Alex begins this episode discussing what he calls the “spiritual laws of nature.” We all understand and accept the physical laws of nature and we don’t really try to violate them for the most part, but we do not give as much credence to the spiritual laws of nature despite their superiority and the consequences of violating them. Physically, we require air, food, and water to live, while spiritually, we require truth, love, and power. Everything in life – including these spiritual laws of nature - is measured in frequency and amplitude, which specifically means that we can give more frequency and amplitude to love over fear and truth over falsehood. Truth and love are enhanced through the quality of our relationships and communication with God, ourselves, family, and friends. If you choose your pain/pleasure programming out of fear and the desire for pleasure, you will only experience more fear and unfulfilment. However, if you choose to go through pain without fighting or fleeing, you will ultimately get the truth and love. If you already have truth/love programming for a specific situation, you won’t experience fear when you are put in that situation again. Whatever you withhold from love (God) becomes a curse to you – even gifts and talents. Whatever you give to love (God) every day becomes a blessing in time – even if it is painful This week’s homework is to ask yourself these questions: When do I want to fight or flee? When do I want pleasure? Why do I do it? What is behind each fight, flee, or pleasure pursuit? What is the whole truth? You can join Dr. Alex each Wednesday for the live podcast covering the topics of health, wellness, relationships, and success, pertaining to the whole life: mind, body and spirit. They are held every Wednesday afternoon and are completely free to anyone who would like to join. As a bonus, a few callers can get a free personal custom code for any issue bothering them. https://www.dralexanderloyd.com/calls