42 Foundational Series: It's all me - or is it? About blaming yourself
Whole Life Healing - A podcast by Dr. Alexander Loyd

This episode of Whole Life Healing is part of a foundational series that we will be featuring. Please forgive the inferior sound quality, as this was a recorded conference call. It is very common for people to blame others or their circumstances when they experience pain in their lives, even if the blame is misguided. The conscious mind must have a reason that explains the pain being felt, which often leads to using twisted logic and results in more pain and fear than were experienced in the original situation. As has often been said: “The problem is never the problem.” However, at the end of life, almost everyone will look back at specific situations and take responsibility in their part of the misunderstanding or disagreement, realizing that they allowed the pain and fear to have a foothold in their heart. Looking back, people see that they placed too much value on work, money, and fulfillment and not enough on family, relationships, love, and forgiveness. So why can’t we all start changing that as we go through our lives, rather than just at the finish line? The Apostle Paul says that when we do things we don’t want to do or we don’t do the things we do want to do, it is not us doing those things, but the sin living in us which could be caused by the memories of fear, shame, and guilt that we are holding on to. Everyone must realize that God does not view us as guilty for those things, but He wants us to embrace the love and truth and live like we believe it. You can join Dr. Alex each Wednesday for the live podcast covering the topics of health, wellness, relationships, and success, pertaining to the whole life: mind, body and spirit. They are held every Wednesday afternoon and are completely free to anyone who would like to join. As a bonus, a few callers can get a free personal custom code for any issue bothering them. https://www.dralexanderloyd.com/calls