46 How to instantly know what you should do right now!
Whole Life Healing - A podcast by Dr. Alexander Loyd

This episode of Whole Life Healing is part of a foundational series that we will be featuring. Please forgive the inferior sound quality, as this was a recorded conference call. Many times in life, you will probably be faced with a decision and you will say to yourself “I just don’t know what to do.” Perhaps an “aha!” moment occurs and you automatically know what you should do and you immediately shift your beliefs and behaviors to make that happen. Imagine yourself in these two situations: You are given 3 months to live, based on a new medical diagnosis. What will you do? What will you stop doing? You are given 3 months to live, based on a new medical diagnosis, but you are approached by an angel or a genie who tells you that you will live indefinitely as long as you habitually do what you believe you should be doing. As soon as you stop doing what you believe you should be, you will die. What would you start doing? What would you stop doing? What would you change? Now ask yourself this question: “Why am I not already doing these things?” The answer probably comes down to your perception that you have plenty of time left in your life to do what you should be doing and you get caught up in the “tyranny of the urgent”, focusing on short-term things rather than long-term. Or you experience fear related to the results of starting, stopping, or changing your beliefs and behaviors. You can overcome the excuses of time and fear by internally sacrificing the external results and trusting that living what you believe will lead you to love and truth in the present moment and in the future. You can join Dr. Alex each Wednesday for the live podcast covering the topics of health, wellness, relationships, and success, pertaining to the whole life: mind, body and spirit. They are held every Wednesday afternoon and are completely free to anyone who would like to join. As a bonus, a few callers can get a free personal custom code for any issue bothering them. https://www.dralexanderloyd.com/calls