60 Mercy versus Grace

Whole Life Healing - A podcast by Dr. Alexander Loyd

Welcome to a new Whole Life Healing episode. This week Dr. Alex talks about "Mercy versus Grace" Do you prefer mercy over grace? What is the biggest issue in this world? “Am I a good person or not?” Here's what this is all about, you will hear the pillar issues in everyone’s life. What are they and how it will affect you in your daily life. What's this got to do with you? You may not know it, but you might struggle with the problem of find meaning for grace and mercy. Whether you believe it or not, as a human being, you are wired to care and treat others well. It is not something you can deny. It is present in each and every one of us. Not only that, you will discover the number one healthy thing that we can do for our body and mind. You will be surprised, what that is and it is not exercise. There are a few samples provided for you as a guide in this episode. You have to listen to the very end to fully understand how you can do personal applications. Have it your goal to nurture, develop, and strengthen humility, love, mercy, and grace. Enjoy!   Short Task for the Week Here's what to do now, we are going to have a new X-Factor Task this week. GET YOUR FREE 60 SECOND TEST to diagnose The Four Critical Pillar Issues in Everyone's Life and find out the answer to the following: The difference between mercy and grace Two kinds of justice; People’s internal system and God's system of justice One of the secret keys to having love execute your life   Resources How God Changes Your Brain: Breakthrough Findings from a Leading Neuroscientist by Andrew Newberg M.D.