7 Beliefs or Conscience
Whole Life Healing - A podcast by Dr. Alexander Loyd

On this episode, Dr. Alex encourages to ask ourselves the question “What is leading my life: beliefs or conscience?” Your Challenge. Ask yourself, meditate and/or pray:- What areas of conflict do I see in my life between my conscience and my beliefs? - What areas of harmony do I see? Dr. Alex explains that the conscience is never wrong; it is the law that is written on the heart by which we will be judged. The conscience is also considered the “love compass” that speaks to our hearts in a whisper, meaning that you will not hear it if you are not listening. Additionally, if you are listening but not obeying, it will stop speaking to you, and you will have to change your life’s course in order to get its directions back. Dr. Alex also teaches us that we always do what we believe, with no exceptions. You can have competing beliefs about something, but you will ultimately do what you truly believe. If you are doing things that are destructive to yourself or others, it is crucial to pinpoint the destructive belief so you can address it and shift it into a constructive one. There are 3 types of beliefs:- Placebo: believing a positive lie that can have incredible short-term results but cannot be maintained long-term- No-cebo: believing a negative lie which can prevent something good from happening, even if it was possible- De facto: actual reality or truth regardless of what people say or feel; always in harmony with conscience Your beliefs and your conscience should always be the same to maintain the harmony of your moral (what/why) and practical (how) centers of life. Dr. Alex encourages us to ask at this point “What areas of conflict do I see in my life between my conscience and my beliefs? What areas of harmony do I see?” By attaining harmony between these two areas, you are on the path to whole life healing: mind, body, and spirit. You can join Dr. Alex each Wednesday for a free Whole Life Healing seminar on a variety of topics covering health, wellness, relationships, success, addressing mind, body and spirit; living the whole life. They are held every Wednesday afternoon and are completely free to anyone who would like to join. As a bonus, a few callers can get on the call a free personal custom code for any issue bothering them the most right now. https://www.dralexanderloyd.com/calls