7. Motherhood: A Potent Medicine the Earth Needs
Wild Primal - A podcast by Aurelia Mendoza Garcia

INTRO ° Topics I will be discussing; solo episode °Where we have been °Where we are now °Motherhood °Poctecting our children °Making motherhood desirible again °Choice of simplicity °Surprise big news!! INTERVIEW °Thanking you for your support °These past two years °Where we are at the moment (or were two months ago) °Recap of our family events these past two years °Pregnancy loss °California °The magic of motherhood °Homeschooling/ unschooling °Simple life by choice °Second part of the episode on the land °Living in an apartment °Back in our land °Morning routine °BOOK: "Atomic Habits" by James Clear °The first two years to have an independent child °Big announcement!! °Fears °Eating placenta post birth °Our species expectations at birth This is a solo episode. LINKS My website www.wildprimal.org Wild Primal on Instagram Wild Primal on Facebook Opening and closing music by Mamienco from their song "Petite Danse" Podcast art by Ale Poiré www.alepoire.com