How to Study Effectively: Lessons From The Masters

Will Chou's Personal Development Show Podcast - A podcast by Will Chou: Blogger and Podcaster

When I was in school, I was a beast. I was juggling ALL advanced placement courses, practicing one to two hours of piano for competition, studying hours for the SAT, and running track … all in one night. Yet it was one of the most productive, fulfilling, and exciting times of my life. Why?
Because most people don’t realize the opportunity in hacking studying. Studying is an art form that can be improved and used not only for school, but also for modeling masters when you enter the corporate world. 
You will learn in this audio podcast episode how to study effectively (hint: all you need is to use a secret tactic during lunch time).
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With most skills or goals in life, there is a proven pattern of success that has worked most effectively so far in life. If you want to earn more and perform at a higher level, there are tricks for that. For studying, I’ve gone into detail on this. But if you want some bonus tips specifically for school, check out my video below:

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