120: Overcome the Post-Pageant Slump Without Becoming Depressed

Win A Pageant® | Professional Pageant Coaching with Alycia Darby - A podcast by Alycia Darby delivers 15-minute pageant trainings weekly to help women win - Wednesdays


Get the Free Pageant Course at: http://FreePageantCourse.com  When so much of your mental, emotional, and physical energy is put toward something you view as a goal to achieve left in the hands of 5 strangers... ...then not achieving it can feel like a massive shock coupled with the stages of grief like anger and depression, even self-loathing and pity. At the very least, even the most emotionally well-adjusted human will feel let down and the sobering reality of depleted adrenal glands makes you want to just eat chocolate cake, lay in bed all day, watch cartoons, and swear you'll never compete in a pageant - ever - again. In this episode, I'm going to teach you to brace yourself to quickly recover from a pageant loss. To save you the sad backstage tears, the fake smile at the after party, and the days or weeks of depression that pageantry could force you into - if you don't follow these steps. Get the FREE Training: 3 Rookie Pageant Interview Mistakes (and how to avoid them) at http://FreePageantCourse.com For details from this episode and more resources visit: http://WinAPageant.com Email the host at [email protected]     © Alycia Darby Zimnoch 2017 Win A Pageant  All Rights Reserved.