125: What to Expect During Pageant Interview

Win A Pageant® | Professional Pageant Coaching with Alycia Darby - A podcast by Alycia Darby delivers 15-minute pageant trainings weekly to help women win - Wednesdays


Get the Free Pageant Course at: http://FreePageantCourse.com  Pageant interview is the only phase of competition that happens behind closed doors, so it's hard to know what to expect in there. Especially if you've never really seen it done right. There are the obvious expectations of format, like sitting, standing, 1:1, panel; and the physical environment like if the interview will be in a hotel conference room or a school cafeteria and whether or not there will be a podium or other props. I recommend asking your director all those questions before you get to the pageant so you have an idea of what to expect. But still, regardless of all those things, there are some universal truths that you can expect. That's what we're about to discuss. If you know these universal expectations, then it won't matter the setting or format - you'll be able to rock your interview! Get the FREE Training: 3 Rookie Pageant Interview Mistakes (and how to avoid them) at http://FreePageantCourse.com For details from this episode and more resources visit: http://WinAPageant.com Email the host at [email protected]     © Alycia Darby Zimnoch 2017 Win A Pageant  All Rights Reserved.