Ashtavakra Gita - Part B - Ramana Maharshi - Advaita - Vedanta

Wisdom of the Masters - A podcast by Samaneri Jayasara

Ashtavakra Gita is one of the advaitic masterpieces.  One of Sri Ramana Maharshi's most beloved texts. Without mincing matters it comes out with the advaitic truth, the whole truth and nothing but advaita which is the Truth. This book embodies Ashtavakra’s teaching to King Janaka which vouched him Self-Knowledge between the time he placed one foot upon the stirrup of his horse and lifted himself to place the other foot on the other stirrup.  Radhakamal Mukerjee, an Indian social scientist, dated the book to the period immediately after the Hindu scripture Bhagavad Gita (c. 500–400 BC). 🔆 These podcasts are not monetized. If you benefit from these podcasts and would like to support our nun's hermitage, there are two options to donate - via Paypal using this email address: [email protected] with PayPal or using this direct link: or become at Patron at: 🙏 May whatever goodness arises from these readings/offerings be for the benefit of all sentient beings.