1373: It's All One Path with Different Degrees of Success

Wisdom of the Sages - A podcast by Raghunath Cappo & Kaustubha Das

Thoreau experiences the unearthly nature of the Vedas / Thoreau’s balance of contemplation and activism / The Vedas feel nonsectarian, because Vyasadeva isn’t trying to wrestle you into immediate submission to the highest truth - he nudges you to take the next step in your evolution / Prahlad was able to recognize the Python man as special, because Vishnu instructed him in the heart / Kaustubha goes to jail / Krishna gives instructions in the heart according to the manner of their surrender / everyone follows Krishna’s path in all respects / karmis, jnanis, yogis, and bhaktas all all on the same path at different degrees of success SB 7.13.22 **************************************************************************** LOVE THE PODCAST? WE ARE COMMUNITY SUPPORTED AND WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO JOIN! Go to https://www.wisdomofthesages.com WATCH ON YOUTUBE: https://youtube.com/@WisdomoftheSages LISTEN ON ITUNES: https://podcasts/apple.com/us/podcast/wisdom-of-the-sages/id1493055485 CONNECT ON FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/wisdomofthesages108 CONNECT ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/wisdom_of_the_sages