1445: Making Big Decisions on a Spiritual Path / Q & A Volume 247
Wisdom of the Sages - A podcast by Raghunath Cappo & Kaustubha Das
How should I navigate differences of opinions regarding important decisions on my Bhakti path? / How do we balance our material/human reactions & necessities with our spiritual aspirations? / Why don't we chant over the 'guru' bead? ********************************************************************* LOVE THE PODCAST? WE ARE COMMUNITY SUPPORTED AND WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO JOIN! Go to https://www.wisdomofthesages.com WATCH ON YOUTUBE: https://youtube.com/@WisdomoftheSages LISTEN ON ITUNES: https://podcasts/apple.com/us/podcast/wisdom-of-the-sages/id1493055485 CONNECT ON FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/wisdomofthesages108 CONNECT ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/wisdom_of_the_sages