Episode Ten: Freeh As A Bird

With the Benefit of Hindsight... - A podcast by Drop Biscuit Studios

Jerry Sandusky was convicted on June 22, 2012, just seven months after he was charged. In keeping with the torrid pace of this case, just three weeks later the results of an "independent" investigation conducted by former FBI Director Louis Freeh were publicly unveiled. The Freeh Report concluded that a "culture of corruption" existed within the athletic program and the university and that Penn State administrators, including the now deceased Joe Paterno, President Spanier, Gary Schultz and Tim Curley, covered up the child abuse crimes of Jerry Sandusky in order to protect the reputation of Penn State. The report was damning and a mortal blow to the ongoing efforts at resuscitating the reputations of Penn State leadership, but... John Ziegler wasn't buying any of it! Listen as Zig walks us through the master class in media manipulation put on by Louis Freeh, the now laughable findings of The Freeh Report and how he and Penn State legend, Franco Harris took on the NCAA.