The Behind The Scenes Action In Between Taping
Wizards of Waverly Pod - A podcast by PodCo

Everyone make some noise for our guests this week Ezra Weisz and Darrin Butters!!! Have you ever wondered what it was like to be in the audience when your favorite tv shows are filmed? Well here is your moment to hear exactly what it’s like! Ezra and Darrin, our warm up team from day one, tell us how they entertained the audience during our live studio audience tapings. From talent shows and raffles, to explaining green screen Disney magic, these two are truly multi-talented kings! And since they’ve been with us since the beginning, the also have the BEST behind-the-scenes stories told exclusively here at the most magical podcast in the universe…WizardsPod Which super popular animated cartoon show is Ezra on?? Which iconic Disney movies has Darrin animated?? And HOW did they become the warm up guys for Wizards??? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit