Mamta Shekhawat | Founder –

Women Making Impact - India - A podcast by Shrey Gupta


Mamta Shekhawat, a dynamic and accomplished professional, having years of expertise in education industry and human resources. With a strong academic foundation in Political Science, holding a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) degree, Mamta further honed her skills with an MBA in Human Resources from the prestigious MAISM College in Jaipur. Mamta Shekhawat's career commenced with prestigious MNCs like ITC & Hitachi on different roles. Additionally, she has worked as vice-president at Cognus Technology, showcasing her entrepreneurial spirit and versatility in both education and tech industries. Her journey didn't stop there. In 2012, driven by an entrepreneurial spirit and a vision to address the unique challenges faced by students seeking international education opportunities, Mamta founded  Mamta recognized the need for a platform that not only guided students towards their study abroad dreams but also provided comprehensive assistance in navigating the intricate application processes. Thus, she conceptualized and established Gradding, a pioneering study abroad platform. Her unique blend of academic excellence, hands-on HR experience, and entrepreneurial acumen has made her a trusted voice in the education industry. With a deep understanding of students' concerns and a passion for bridging the gap between aspirations and reality, Mamta is dedicated to making the study abroad experience accessible and hassle-free for aspiring scholars. Mamta firmly believes in the importance of maintaining equilibrium among her roles as a successful entrepreneur, a loving mother, and a dedicated housewife. Her commitment to these values serves as a source of inspiration, demonstrating that it is indeed possible to excel in one's career, nurture a loving family, and find time for personal passions.