Birth: A punch to the gut and a kick in the box. But you can recover.
Real Integrative Medicine with Dr. Jordan Robertson ND - A podcast by Dr. Jordan Robertson ND
Janette Yee, an athletic therapist who supports people after vaginal birth and c-section is a joy to listen to. She’s vibrant, excited and passionate about something that we’ve all kept to ourselves. How freaking hard it is to recover from birth. As an athlete herself, Janette gives us the metaphor we’ve been waiting for. Birth is a season ending injury. And yet, while most athletes get trainers, time off and rehab, we send people who have given birth home with a screaming baby expecting sleepless nights, selfless weeks and no education on how to take care of themselves. Even if you don’t identify as an athlete, birth is a traumatic event to your body, and expecting things to just right themselves without support is a hope, not a plan. I loved recording this episode with Janette (we could literally talk for days) because we both get fired up about how we need to empower ourselves and other women to seek out support after this major physical (and emotional) event. You can find Janette on Instagram (@askjanette) and download her free resources from her website