S#!t you don’t need to do. How to delegate effectively (for real)
Real Integrative Medicine with Dr. Jordan Robertson ND - A podcast by Dr. Jordan Robertson ND
One of the largest barriers to health I see in women I work with is the amount of “stuff” on everyone’s plate. Women are overwhelmed by their work, family and other obligations. These same women are tired, not exercising and don’t have time to make themselves a meal. If you want to get better, you need to do less. I know it’s scary, but today’s episode will give you the 3 strategies you need for more effective delegation. It’s an episode that will help you if you Feel like you’re the only one in your house who can do certain jobs or they won’t get done. Feel like you keep adding and adding to your plate without taking anything off. Feel like you don’t have any “wiggle room” in your day and couldn’t carve out more self care. We’ll talk through my 3 steps to more effective delegation including how to communicate about your boundaries, what you really really want (insert Spice Girls) and how to leave space for others to learn as you delegate (rather than snatching tasks back because they didn’t do it perfectly the first time). I want you to feel like you have the time to take care of yourself, and if you don’t, this is a great place to start. Social Post 2 I’m always looking at my time. It’s my most valuable resource. Your time is your most valuable resource too. So why do we do so many tasks that don’t need to be done, or could be done with some help? It’s a fair question. This week’s podcast episode is all about getting your time back through delegation and why being clear, communicating and allowing space for clumsy learning in your delegatee needs to happen for you to truly get shit off your plate. I share a few examples of my own time management and the hard questions a ask my patients to think about so they can truly move towards better health.