Laura Zarrow with Yasemin Beses-Cassino on 'The Cost of Being a Girl'

Women@Work - A podcast by Laura Zarrow


Dr Yasemin Besen-Cassino, Professor of Sociology and Distinguished Scholar, talks with Laura Zarrow about the gender gap, her book, "The Cost of Being a Girl," and what we can do as parents and employers to get our girls back on track.I am a Professor of Sociology and Distinguished Scholar. My pronouns are she/her/hers. I am currently serving as the Book Review Editor of Gender & Society. I received my Ph.D. In Sociology from State University of New York in Stony Brook in 2005. During my time at Stony Brook, I worked as the Managing Editor of Men and Masculinities ( editor: Michael Kimmel) published by Sage. My research focuses on work, gender and youth. My work has appeared in many sociology journals such as Contexts, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Theory & Society, NWSAJ and Education& Society and has been featured in many popular venues such as the Atlantic, Fortune, Harvard Business Review, Newsday, PolitiFact and the Star Ledger.Aired February 14, 2018