Life with the Lennons, fame, friendship, the FBI and the Lost Weekend – by Elliot Mintz.

Word In Your Ear - A podcast by Mark Ellen, David Hepworth and Alex Gold


Elliot Mintz, then a West Coast radio presenter, met the Lennons in 1971, the start of a close, unique and extraordinary friendship and hours of late-night phone calls. And he’s finally written a book about it, We All Shine On: John, Yoko & Me, which records the isolated, complicated life they led imprisoned by their celebrity, at times joyous and outlandish, at others bleak and uncomfortably revealing. All bases covered here, among them … … “his view of Paul changed with days and temperature – brotherly love, jealousy, discomfort …” … how they dealt with the FBI bugging their apartment. … being present at John and Paul’s eventual reunion and what might have happened if they’d picked up guitars.  … how he heard the news of Lennon’s death. … booking hotels as ‘Fred and Ada Gherkin’. ... the Lost Weekend and Lennon reverting to his Hamburg days. … how it felt to sort and catalogue John’s possessions. … abandoned by his father, abandoning his son: Lennon going on holiday with Brian Epstein two weeks after the birth of Julian.   … ordering in pizzas from across the road in New York’s most exclusive restaurants. … “all he could see onstage was McCartney’s face when they shared a microphone”. … John’s thoughts about the competition – Dylan, the Stones, McCartney. … “a friendship to the exclusion of all else”. Order Elliot’s book here: out more about how to help us to keep the conversation going: Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.