Word Podcast 319 - another unashamedly trivial podcast...

Word In Your Ear - A podcast by Mark Ellen, David Hepworth and Alex Gold


... in which Mark Ellen and David Hepworth discuss milk in rock, read your correspondence and invent a game you can play with Alexa. Massively encouraged by the fact that nobody tried to physically stop them doing it again, Mark and David podcast from their lofts to anyone who has nothing better to do for the next half an hour. Subjects covered include: the musical tastes of "Parks And Recreation"'s April Ludgate, when dad bought his hifi on hire purchase, why the current lockdown is good news for the Abbey Road zebra and a really funny list from an old copy of Word. Bono doing "Let Your Love Be Known" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlA8p3O1C-U Paul Simon singing "American Tune" https://youtu.be/wVYPVvS-mI4 The Roots and Jimmy Fallon performing "Stuck In The Middle With You" https://youtu.be/JKYiTg6_J-M It's the 19-piece Rotterdam Philharmonic playing Beethoven's Ode To Joy on lockdown. https://youtu.be/nNBtwsPigcc Kevin Ayers Whatevershebringswesing with Robert Wyatt on backing vocals and Mike Oldfield playing bass and guitar… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5j7AIUnRf4w Follow David on https://www.instagram.com/dhepworth/ Please leave a comment on iTunes or anywhere else that allows you to post. We read all of them and really appreciate it. If you’ve got any particular favourites among the old Word podcasts please let us know which at [email protected] And watch our "Word In Your Attic" video. https://youtu.be/qXm4DyPPwI0