Ep. #7 Travel Hacks (Weekend Edition)

Words That Move Me with Dana Wilson - A podcast by Dana Wilson


Travel hack attack! Episode 7 is all about my tried and true tricks for travel.  It’s the what, the why and the HOW I pack, and the sweet secrets that can make a work weekend feel like a holiday! SHOW NOTES Quick Links: Words That Move Me Amazon Shopping List: https://amzn.to/37BRUo6 Tsa Travel Checklist: https://www.tsa.gov/travel/travel-tips/travel-checklist Sean Evans Hot Ones: https://www.youtube.com/user/FirstWeFeast KT Tape Video Application for Knee Stabilization: youtube.com/watch?v=v2xYUxXrjxk( Aesop Roll on fragrance: aesop.com/nz/p/fragrance/marrakech/marrakech-intense-parfum/ Theragun: https://www.theragun.com/us/en-us/percussive-therapy-devices/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA4NTxBRDxARIsAHyp6gChArAHN_xeRtKdGL93KTr0MuIZ9DWZjlI6VtTT9WEU8tqSZPQKz-0aAqZ3EALw_wcB TSA Pre Check: www.tsa.gov › precheck Global Entry: https://www.cbp.gov/travel/trusted-traveler-programs/global-entry Clear: https://www.clearme.com/enroll/?p=GOOGBRAEX&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=CPC&gclid=Cj0KCQiA4NTxBRDxARIsAHyp6gAn6qWGeKqU1uMsDtqdO5lY8RyvU8Snj0j1d0_O84Jf_Zmg8_wYpyEaAvWJEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds Transcript Intro This is words that move me, the podcast where movers and shakers like you get the information and inspiration you need to navigate your creative career with clarity and confidence. I am your host, master mover, Dana Wilson. And if you’re someone that loves to learn, laugh and is looking to rewrite the starving artists story, then sit tight. But don’t stop moving because you’re in the right place.   Dana: Hello and welcome back everybody. This is episode seven. Holy smokes. So much fun. Really digging the podcast, really digging, seeing what you guys are up to out there with your daily doing. Um, daily creativity is the name of the game. This episode, however, is going to focus on something that I get a lot of comments and questions about and that is travel. So moving but moving around the world, I get a lot of questions and comments from people asking for tips and tricks and how often I travel. Um, I would ballpark and say I travel, you know, probably get 20 to 40 ins and outs of airports every year, but that depends on my gigs. That depends on, um, if I’m on tour or working a really strong convention season or if I’m working on a film or something longterm, I’m probably not traveling quite as much, but ballpark 20 to 40 ins and outs of airports, that is a lot.  This podcast in particular is going to focus on a convention weekend type of travel. That’s a carry on. That’s a couple of days. That is intense. Yes, I will be talking about things that I love for sure, but I’m mostly going to talk about the way that I operate and why, but for those of you interested in hearing more about specific items that I talk about in this podcast, go to my show notes for this episode thedanawilson.com/podcasts and there you will find links to my Words that Move Me Amazon shopping list where you’ll find all of my favorite things and little comments about why I love them. Okay, so let’s get into it.  I like to travel light, but I really like to have all the things, so I wind up traveling kind of heavy. When I’m traveling for a convention weekend, I try to go carry on only, so that means I bring one roll aboard and one backpack. My roll aboard, by the way, is spray painted with my initials, REAL BIG because it’s one of those roller boards that looks like everybody else’s. So now mine has a gigantic D W on the front and on the back, which makes for very easy retrieval if it has to get checked. And I think it’s super chic and funky, which pretty much explains my fashion and my function. Now on a travel day, I try to wear my biggest items that makes more room in the bag and more warmth on the plane. I’m one of those types that gets cold on airplanes. If you see me at an airport,