Why change is so hard.
Work From Home Dad - A podcast by Philip
Change is one the hardest things for us as humans to do. Our bodies are wired for survival. If we have done something once, and didn't die, our body wants to repeat that same thing again. That is why we have fear of the unknown, or change or trying new things. In essence it is nothing more than our bodies desire not to die. Our subconscious program wanting to execute the same programs again and again. But the harsh truth is that all good things happen on the other side of fear. All change happens ONLY by doing things differently. As the old saying goes: "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got." So if you want to see change in your life, especially if you want to see financial freedom, you're going to have to make change. However hard it is. Just feel the fear and do it anyway.