Episode 366: Investing in Growth and Development to Succeed With Beth Ley From Kendra Scott

Podcast Archives - Workology - A podcast by Jessica Miller-Merrell


We actually used the pandemic period to launch a whole new self-guided trading platform that we call Kendra Academy, where we wanted people to be able to do this on their time, their way. It’s short snippet learning and we have found great success in that and that people are really feeling like we’re investing in their growth and development. And at the end of the day, I think that’s what everybody wants from an organization. We also really leaned into improvements in our DEI strategy to make sure we are creating that sense of belonging across the organization. Episode 366: Investing in Growth and Development to Succeed With Beth Ley From Kendra Scott   Welcome to the Workology Podcast, a podcast for the disruptive workplace leader. Join host Jessica Miller-Merrell, founder of Workology.com as she sits down and gets to the bottom of trends, tools, and case studies for the business leader, HR, and recruiting professional who is tired of the status quo. Now here’s Jessica with this episode of Workology. Jessica Miller-Merrell: [00:01:02.31] Welcome to the Workology Podcast. We’re sponsored by the HR Benchmark Survey. You can share your HR insights at our survey. We’re collecting information and we need to hear from you. www.HRBenchmarkSurvey.com. One of the things I have been thinking a lot about is benefits and compensation. These are areas that are buzzing within HR, and I’m not seeing a lot of conversations from HR and talent leaders on this topic. So today I’m excited to bring to you one of my favorite, favorite brands in the entire world, Kendra Scott, and you’re going to hear from an amazing HR practitioner and talk about all things compensation and all things benefits, and branding, and more. Like, we cover all the things and hands down one of my favorite interviews ever. Today, I’m joined by Beth Ley. She’s the Vice President Total Rewards & Home Office HR at Kendra Scott, an omnichannel fashion and lifestyle brand based in Austin, Texas. Beth has continually enhanced Kendra Scott’s benefit program while keeping the company’s principles of family, fashion and philanthropy at the forefront of all the decision-making. Beth received her Bachelor’s in Psychology and Sociology from  Centre College in Danville, Kentucky and her Masters of Science in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from Eastern Kentucky University. Beth, welcome to the Workology Podcast. Beth Ley: [00:02:33.96] Thank you so much, Jessica. I really appreciate it. Jessica Miller-Merrell: [00:02:37.38] Absolutely. I’m so excited. And for another time we should talk about how you came from Kentucky and ended up in Austin, Texas. But to start, I want to start with your background. How did you get into HR and how has your work evolved over time into your current role? Beth Ley: [00:02:55.08] Yeah, so I am actually one of those rare people that is doing what I went to school for. I remember the moment in undergrad when I learned about organizational psychology, and I just knew that’s what I wanted to do. I think I knew at an early age, working in my family business, you spend a lot of time at work and that work environment affects your home life, your personal relationships, even your parenting style. And so I love the ability to learn about how to influence and create great workplaces. And I’m so lucky to have been able to grow my HR career with incredibly talented people and mentors. You asked about getting to Austin, so I did move to Austin in 2008, sight unseen. I look back at my 26-year-old self and cannot believe that my mother let me move across the country with no job, no plan. I knew I’d always wanted to work for a fashion brand, and I grew up admiring her fashion magazine,